A day in the life of a RMCAD Student Ambassador

LAKEWOOD, Colo., – Fashion Design major, Austyn Lewis is an innovative artist at heart. She is passionate about the environment, incorporating elements such as new fibers into her work. When Lewis isn’t designing new garments or working in her medical job, she is one of our Student Ambassadors. We asked Lewis a few questions about her experience in this leadership role:

In your words, what is a Student Ambassador?
A student ambassador is a friend and resource to help construct your connection with RMCAD. This is someone that will build the bridge for you to speak up, learn, and communicate with the school. They are reliable and willing to go above and beyond. 

What is a day in the life of someone in the RMCAD Student Ambassador shoes?
A day in a student ambassador’s life, reaches out to your group member, brainstorming event ideas. This can be an enjoyable process. You get to flush out ideas like should we do a haunted house this year, can we have a scary movie night, etc. Then talking to Mel, who is the best and always has an add on for your event idea. Then you start creating the event. Another scenario would be doing class visits or attending community events. This position really lets you see all that RMCAD is doing while being a part of what makes RMCAD unique. 

What are the benefits of being a Student Ambassador?
The benefits of being a student ambassador are knowing and sharing all that RMCAD has to offer. We are the communication source that lets everyone know what cool things are happening on campus. Not only is this a paid position, but you get a lot of love from your other student ambassadors and get to meet so many new people. If you are a shy person and want to have an outlet that facilitates friendships, this is a perfect position. 

Where did you first learn about this opportunity?
I heard about being a student ambassador through financial aid. I was trying to find creative ways to help with tuition, which was when they mentioned being a student ambassador. Little did I know I got so much more out of the position than just a paycheck. 

What’s your advice to another student who is considering becoming a Student Ambassador?
My advice to other students considering joining the SA’s would say jump in with both feet. This position will give you as much as you want and as much as you ask for. You are in the position to create amazing events for all of the friends and peers. You have the opportunity to create a legacy. This job is an opportunity for not only you but for your peers. If you want to see something happen at your college, this is how you make it happen, and you have so many people backing you. 

What do you like most about being in this leadership role?
Being in a leadership role has its ups and downs. It can be hard to speak to a large group or have people rely on you. Yet, this is a skill you cannot get in classes. This is a skill that you develop through opportunities. Being a student ambassador is an opportunity to invest in yourself. You will learn and develop those leadership skills through this position. 

Is there anything else you’d like to add?
All in all, being a student ambassador is rewarding. If you want to maximize your college experience and be at the forefront of leadership and student voices at RMCAD this position will grant you all of that. Yes, it can be challenging and sometimes time-consuming. Yes, other people are relying on you. Yet, if you are passionate about yourself and what you want out of college, this position is for the go-getters, for those that are willing to take a risk and make the world better for their peers. 

We commend Lewis for her commitment to being a Student Ambassador. You can see work samples of hers below. If you are interested in being a Student Ambassador or would like to learn more, we encourage you to apply here.


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