Vinton is the world-renowned inventor of “Claymation,” having coined and trademarked the term, and created some of the most innovative dimensional animation in history. As a producer and director, Vinton has received five Academy Award Nominations for Best Animated Short Film, including The Great Cognito, The Creation, and Rip Van Winkle, as well as a nomination for Best Visual Effects for his feature film, Return to OZ.
In his lecture, Vinton provides a history of his exciting career and focus on the key milestones of animation, along with the changes in the audience and industry that have led to a worldwide renaissance in 3D animation.
Reading List
The suggested reading list includes various reading and media recommendations provided by the lecturer. This list of materials can include projects authored by the lecturer or others, and provides further insight into the guest’s sources of inspiration and additional context surrounding the artist/scholar/designer’s work and practice. This list is shared with RMCAD students and faculty and is archived on the website for academic integration and research opportunities. The physical materials are archived in the RMCAD campus library and the VASD Program archive.
The Adventures of Mark Twain Will Vinton
Film – 1985