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Five reasons to go back to school for a second bachelor's degree

Five reasons to go back to school for a second bachelor’s degree

Pursuing a second bachelor’s degree may seem intimidating, but if you feel stuck in your career, have dreams of doing something different or want to be a lifelong learner, going back to school for a fine arts degree might be the perfect choice for you. At RMCAD, we love welcoming students back to the classroom– whether you are getting your second or seventh degree! Take a closer look at why you should consider returning to school.

1. Increase your competitiveness
If you want to change your career or advance in your field, more education can be the difference between you and another potential candidate for a job. Not only can having an additional degree really make your application stand out, adding a specific degree can make you the obvious person to hire. Putting in the time and commitment to achieving a second degree shows that you are willing to go above and beyond.

2. Expand your knowledge
Whether you’ve been out of school for decades or just a few years, getting back into the classroom can be beneficial to expand your knowledge, particularly in technology and technique, which are always changing in the art world. With part time and online program opportunities available, RMCAD makes it easy for lifelong learners to take classes and evolve in their field of study, while also continuing their careers at the same time.

3. Boost your salary
In today’s modern world, trained artists, designers and musicians are highly valuable in the workforce and are rewarded because of it. By pursuing a fine arts degree in your specific area of interest, you are able to make your passion lucrative. To compare your salary with a potential fine arts career path, check out Indeed’s list of 46 Jobs You Can Pursue with a Bachelor In Fine Arts.

4. Find job satisfaction
Oftentimes when people get their first degrees, they are confused and don’t know what they want to do for a lifelong career, which can lead to job dissatisfaction later on. According to Gallup, over 50% of people tend to regret at least one previous education choice, including their field of study. In addition, according to the State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report, job dissatisfaction during COVID-19 times has increased and few find themselves engaged at work or thriving in their workplace. Knowing this is the case for so many, returning to school may be the right remedy for you to find your dream job.

5. Re-enter the workforce
It doesn’t matter how many years you have been out of the workforce, getting another degree can help you re enter with modern skills and knowledge. RMCAD courses will teach you about your specific field as well as the modern art world, current technology and business practices. After earning your degree, you can confidently show up for your first day of work knowing you have the knowledge and expertise to do your job.

If you are interested in going back to school for a second bachelor’s degree in fine arts, reach out to our admissions team with questions. If financial reasons are why you are not considering returning, please take a closer look at RMCAD’s available scholarships to see what you qualify for and how we can help make your goal a reality. For more resources and reasons why you should consider an art degree or a second bachelor’s degree, read Three reasons to let your child take a chance on an art degree.


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